Friday, August 29, 2014

Outdoor Movie at the Seaport

The other night, Audrey and I went to our first outdoor movie of the summer. I wish we had gone to more earlier in the summer. We ended up having fun, even though our seats weren't great. But it was free, so I can't really complain.

The movie was Audrey's favorite movie ever:

Like a lot of other little girls, Audrey is obsessed. We first saw the movie in theaters and it's the only movie I've taken her to see in the theater that she sat through and paid attention to the entire time. We bought the DVD the day it came out and have watched it countless times since. I have the soundtrack on my iphone, and she knows most of the songs by heart, especially Let It Go. She has Frozen dolls, a tshirt, books, a braclet ... various other paraphenalia. She's tried convincing me to get her various other Frozen items - other toys, sheets, a blanket. At least I have plenty of Birthday/Christmas gift ideas.

Anyway, we got to the Seaport about 45 minutes early but the chairs were already all taken. Fortunately, we had brought a blanket, so at least we could sit on that. It definitely wasn't very comfortable and Audrey had to stand to see, but she still had a blast. The whole "outdoor movie" thing was a new experience and there were tons of kids there, so it became a Frozen sing along. Now I know for next summer that if we plan to go to an outdoor movie we need to make a night out of it - go a couple hours early and just bring dinner and snacks.

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