Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bits of Our Weekend

This weekend, we went to Pennsylvania. I know it seems like we go there a lot - in the Summer, we do go basically every other weekend. We've been fortunate to have a car at our disposal the past few summers, so we make the most of it. Last summer, my brother brought his car out here for the whole summer. This summer, he had classes that prevented him from being able to deal with street cleaning till the end of July, so he didn't bring it out till then, but we've gone out to Pennsylvania a couple of times already.

Since Audrey's preschool is still closed (resumes tomorrow though! Hallelujah! I love paying a whole month's tuition for half a month of childcare and all but ... ) I took some time off work to make it a long weekend. On Saturday, we went shopping with my mom for canning supplies. Saturday evening, Audrey hung out with my parents and sister while man-friend and I went to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Very grown up, sophisticated date night, huh? I was obsessed with TMNT when I was younger, so I had to check out the new one. Not bad, but I prefer the original. Which I happened to find in the $5 DVD bin at Walmart the next day. Score! I haven't had time to watch it yet but I will asap. I think I even still have my Donatello doll somewhere in my parents' basement - should have looked while I was there. I love that my favorite as a little kid was the smart, kinda nerdy one.

On Sunday, we canned tomatoes and jam, and then I made sauce with the fresh tomatoes. More on the canning experience later. Sunday evening we did my stepdad's birthday dinner.

On Monday, manfriend and I took Audrey to a small indoor waterpark. It's part of a campground's amenities, so it's small and doesn't even have a website I could link to. There was a lazy river, a pirate ship structure with small slides and stuff, a little lillypad pool and an outdoor pool. Audrey had a blast, and us adults had fun too. I didn't want to take my phone out and risk the phone+water=disaster part, so I don't have any pictures, unfortunately. The only picture I took that day was outside.

She wore the crown headband, from H&M, all weekend

Audrey and man-friend found a bird nest on the ground, and Audrey was fascinated. She brought it back to Grandma's to show everyone.

I ate a lot this weekend - good food, but a lot of it. Getting back into eating much better today, and looking into joining a new gym.

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