Monday, August 25, 2014

30 Days of Good Habits

"They" (Idk who they is and I don't feel like googling so ...) say that it takes 30 days to turn something into a habit. We are going to Florida for a long weekend a month from tomorrow, on September 26. So for the next 30 days, I'm going to work on establishing some healthy habits in my life.

1) Daily Exercise. At the minimum, 10,000 steps a day. I plan to join a gym next week and also get in a few real workouts per week.

2) Vitamins Daily. I take a Multi-Vitamin, Fish Oil, Iron and B3. I'm not very good at remembering to take them. I bought one of those 7 Day pill sorters, which made it easier, but still need to get better at taking them every day.

3) Apple Cider Vinegar. I mix 1-2 tablespoons into a glass of water with about a 1/4 cup of cranberry juice. Delicious, it is not. There are various articles that explain the benefits of ACV. Most say its effects on weight loss are minimal to nonexistant, but it does help with lowering blood sugar. I have PCOS, and Diabetes is a common complication of PCOS. I don't have Diabetes and would like to keep it that way. ACV is also supposed to be good for your skin, hair, etc. I also don't eat breakfast as soon as I wake up. I usually wait till I get to work and eat at my desk. A glass of this concoction helps keep the cravings at bay and deters me from running to the cafeteria for a bagel instead of eating whatever healthy breakfast I packed.

4) Calorie Counting. Yes, calorie counting sucks. No, it isn't a way to live forever. But I want to lose a little more weight, and calorie counting has been the only thing that's ever worked for me. I use the Lose It! app on my phone, which is awesome.

5) Lotion. Ok so, I have kind of dry skin. I'm good about moisturizing my face daily but not so much at the rest of it. I need to get better about putting on lotion as soon as I get out of the shower.

6) Green Tea. There are tons of benefits to drinking green tea. I try to drink a glass shortly after lunch every day, but haven't been great at remembering.

I've picked up a lot of good habits over the years. I mostly drink water now. I have a soda maybe once a month. I've never really liked dark soda (Coke, Pepsi) but I LOVE San Pellegrino, especially the Melograno e Arancia. I do drink coffee every day, 1-2 cups. Otherwise, I'm pretty good at getting in at least 80 ounces of water a day, usually more.

I've also cut out the fake healthy food. The 100 calories packs, the low cal options, diet Snapple - all the stuff pumped with artificial crap. (I know my soda per month is pumped with artificial crap but on a daily basis, I avoid it.) I eat a lot more fruit and veggies than I used to.

So my goal for the next month is to implement the 6 things listed daily, and turn them into lifelong habits, with the exception of #4. Once I've lost the last bit of weight I want to lose, I'll stop calorie counting and just focus on eating healthy and portion control.

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