Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fall Shopping List

I feel like I always "need" new clothes. Probably because in my 3.5 years in an office job, my weight has fluctuated too much. Starting at my job coincided with trying the birth control shot for the first time, and the combination of those crazy hormones and adjusting to a job where I was sitting all day caused my weight to increase too much in a short period of time. I've (slowly) lost most of what I gained, but during the in between stages I bought cheap clothes. I refused to invest in quality clothes in a size I didn't want to be for the long haul. But that means a lot of my clothes last a season or two at most. I have a few staples I purchased before I started here that now fit me again from Express, but otherwise, too much of my wardrobe has been low quality.
I've put together a list of a few things I want to buy for the fall that are inexpensive but decent quality. H&M, Express, Target, Uniqlo, Ann Taylor Loft - most of these are either inexpensive or moderately priced, and/or offer sales frequently enough that if you hold out for one, you can get your shopping cart at a marked down price.
1. Blazer, Express. $128 *This is one of those expensive sticker prices but Express is constantly running sales. Right now if you spend $250 or more, you get $125 off. So basically I could get this jacket in two different colors for $128, bringing the cost down.
2. Blazer, H&M. $39.95
3. Jacket, H&M. $49.95

4. Top, Express. $39.90 *Buy one, get one half off

5. Top, Express. $39.90 *also Buy one, get one half off

6. Top, H&M. $29.95

7. Sweater, Ann Taylor Loft. $59.50

8. Dress, H&M. $49.95

9. Blazer, Target. $34.99

Most of this would be for work, obviously. The sweater from Ann Taylor is a little iffy because it's basically a fancy sweatshirt, but I could probably get away with it on a Friday. There's a clear trend here though - I need more color in my wardrobe. I'm obviously drawn to black/white/dark colors. Bright and floral just doesn't fit my Wednesday Adams personality ...

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