Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Funny Randoms

I compiled some of the random pictures I have on my phone that make me smile (besides pictures of my mini-me). Some pics are Pinterest finds I loved so much I saved to my phone, most taken by me.

This is actually sadly relatable for me - when we were entertaining the possibility of moving, we looked at Brooklyn. Thanks to my awesome rent deal in Manhattan though, Brooklyn would have either been a huge downgrade, or a huge rent increase.
This is a real dog toy that I found in a pet store. It just happens to look like a dick?
Notice the baseball bat ... why does Dora need to carry around a baseball bat? Is her school in the hood? Does she need to take it up a notch with that pesky Swiper?
I saw this on  Pinterest and literally a few minutes later saw a (white, yoga pants wearing, suburban) friend's Facebook status: "Yay Fall! Pumpkin Spice everything, sweaters, leaves falling!" It made the pic even funnier.
I just ... what? Ramen is one of the easiest things you can possibly make. It's also not at all healthy. How does microwaving it instead of cooking it in a pot make it any better for you??
Yes. This goes through my mind all the time. It's like there's a set of twins in there, the evil one telling me to devour cookies and the good one telling me my body is a temple. The evil one usually wins.
HOW? This person is paid to drive people around all day! Are there more in depth driving tests to become a taxi driver? I hope so.

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